Month: June 2022

NFT leader! The AMAZING PANDAVERSE generation is the perfect ending! The new track is about to start!

AMAZING PANDAVERSE NFT came through! Bring the ultimate artistic experience! 2021 is called the “first year” of the Metaverse. In the same year, NFT fully blossomed with the explosion of the Metaverse. Today , this wave is still continuing . With this strong upsurge and unstoppable trend, AMAZING PANDAVERSE comes out. AMAZING PANDAVERSE is a digital […]

AMAZING PANDAVERSE Creates 2.0 ” Metaverse Panda Empire ” with a Sword to the Bull Market

Foreword: Panda is a well-deserved symbol of Chinese culture. The image of panda in international communication has developed and evolved accordingly. The constantly innovative image of panda also conveys a new image of China. With the development of the times, the image of panda can also be used in toy models, clothing, literature The image, animation […]

Decentralized society:Finding Web3’s Soul

How do SBTs encode trust networks in the real economy to build source and reputation in decentralized mechanisms and in new markets with decomposable shared rights? How can the DeFi ecosystem break through the shackles of unsecured loans or simple contracts such as apartment rentals in today's WEB3 through “interpersonal relationships?” What are the opportunities […]

P2E.Game, the One-stop GameFi and NFT Information Aggregation Platform, has launched SocialFi Feature

P2E.Game, the One-stop GameFi and NFT Information Aggregation Platform, creates a Web.3.0 portal that combines SocialFi, GameFi, and NFT.Gamers on P2E.Game can achieve an on-chain independent creator economy through SocialFi tool and use the fan economy effect to build their influence, where fans are connected to creators and both share rewards for content creation. Recently, P2E.Game has announced the […]

New Blue Ocean of Digital Economy and Mongolia-China Belt and Road Digital Cross-border Trade Link MDE Launch Conference A complete success in Ordos

On June 19, 2022, the new blue ocean of digital economy and the MDE launch conference of the Mongolia-China Belt and Road Digital Cross-border Trade Link was successfully held in Ordos. On the same day, the organizers invited Batel Chaolong, Deputy Consul of the Consulate General of Mongolia in Hohhot; Wuyun Gerile, Director of the […]

What does 0x90 means?

0x is the starting address of the public chain, which stands for the blockchain industry. 90 in the 0x90 is the label for the age of the company team, which is an international blockchain incubator company founded by the team 90s with many years of experience. That’s where 0x90 comes from. Since 2017, the 0x90 […]

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